
is the OpenAeros effort to clear the manufacturing hurdles holding back the development of more innovative and universal mask solutions across the industry.

We’re excited to walk you through our innovative, open source Digital-to-Silicone (D2S) and filter-pleating and -potting production techniques

Our founder, Aaron Collins, talks with Jon Robelia, the chief engineer on this project. They walk us through the major innovations and implications of this project.

next gen mask design

Have you ever wondered why there are so few options for comfortable, adaptable, reusable respirators? You might be surprised to learn that it’s not really a demand issue. Lots of us are still masking and we’re hungry for better solutions.

The issue actually lies with some major production hurdles: it’s really slow and really expensive to use traditional manufacturing methods to prototype functional masks. 

But! We’ve been working hard to change the game and we’re excited to fill you in. Our process takes what what a $30-50K/prototype process and replaces it with a one time $4k captial investment and $30/prototype.

For the long-form manufacturing process explainer, watch Jon’s video here.

Learn More

Full Documentation here

Gitlab Repository

Want to work with us to bring a mask to life using these techniques?

Want to work with us to bring a mask to life using these techniques?